During the development and landscaping of the grounds, many hundreds of native trees and hedges were planted, including rowan, birch, willow and alder.

These trees have provided a wind-sheltered area where pink-footed, greylag and Canada Geese often nest in spring, while bird and bat boxes provide protection for other species.

Dozens of water plants, including lilies, have been introduced around the lake, which provides nesting areas for moorhens, coots and mallards, and creates a spawning ground for toads.
An otter has also recently been spotted by residents, and the water’s edge also draws spectacular visitors such as kingfishers, sparrow hawks and the lesser-spotted woodpecker.

David Bellamy said the family has created a fantastic living environment which is clearly just as welcoming to wildlife as it is to residents and holiday home owners.

Professor Bellamy also applauded the park’s policy of buying local whenever possible, including the use of regional contractors to help develop the park.

Park homes at Rowanwater range in price from £135,000 to £260,000, and compare extremely favourably in cost to similar-size properties in the surrounding area.

In addition to further landscaping and wildlife initiatives, the park also intends to open a coffee shop and bistro in the near future for the use of residents and holidaymakers.

Sales manager and park-owning family member Melissa Smith said everyone at Rowanwater was delighted with the award: ‘This is one of the most delightful parts of the North West in which to live, and we’ve tried to create a residential and holiday park which is a match for the magnificent surroundings.

‘Our family business has invested much time and effort into making Rowanwater a sustainable and wildlife-friendly business, and it’s great to know that our work is being supported by someone like David Bellamy!’

For more information about the Rowanwater Park, please visit the website at www.rowanwater.co.uk