Buyer benefits

Buying your home from an NCC Approved member ensures that the park will:

  • operate to industry best practice and maintain high standards of professionalism and customer care
  • provide a greater level of consumer protection than is required by law
  • deal in an open, honest and fair manner
  • commit to delivering high standards of customer satisfaction.

How do parks qualify?

To be an NCC Approved Holiday Park for Home Ownership is to:

  • provide a greater level of consumer protection and rights than is required by law
  • deal in an open, honest and fair manner with consumers and suppliers
  • commit to delivering high standards of customer satisfaction
  • operate a process of continuous improvement based on customer feedback
  • follow the basic principles of honesty and integrity in their business relationships.



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may cover

To read more about this topic pick up the May 2013 issue of Park Homes and Holiday Caravan

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