may 2013 BlogReal life stories!

Our community is one of the most rich and diverse in the UK. There are so many different types of people from every conceivable walk of life, many with fascinating stories to tell of world wars, unusual jobs, fun hobbies and travel to far-flung outposts. We love to shout about those stories in PH&HC. New homes and immaculately developed parks are brilliant but it’s the people that make any community. As well as bringing you tales of park life from up and down the country, we also focus on a trio of great real life stories this month. First up, there’s John Savage (page 59), who totally transformed the interior and exterior of his park home, partly as a romantic token of his love for new wife Linda. (As a man on the cusp of tying the knot knot myself, I’ll admit to taking a personal interest in this story!) Rapide Services helped John with the momentous task of bringing a 30-year-old holiday home up to modern day, residential standards. After taking a look at our pictures, I’m sure you’ll agree that Rapide did a superb job! Then there’s Tom and Zena Jesney, of Ravenswing Park, in Berkshire (page 35). These long-time park residents clearly love the outdoor lifestyle as they’ve recently taken to narrow boating too. Our lovely story might inspire you to do the same! Finally, Robert Norman and his daughter Sharon’s story is nothing short of remarkable (page 38). Reunited after 33 years apart (and continents of separation), the pair were brought together with the help of Berkshire park, Warfield Park. It’s a really heart-warming tale and perfectly illustrates just what makes our community so special.

Enjoy the issue.

AlexAlex Melvin




Alex Melvin, Editor

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