Keith also worked on the refurbishment of roofs on site for some time, a service that the company offered for a number of years. And finally back to roofing work within the factory environment.
Keith left school when he was 15 and has never been out of work in that time. For a while he worked part-time following a health issue, however it would seem that working hard comes naturally for Keith as he retired at 67 years old.
A well-earned rest is certainly due to him.
His wife of 42 years, Danuta, retired last year. They are now looking forward to their retirement, taking time out with their family and hobbies.
Keith is keenly researching his family tree at present and at the moment has it tracked to 1769. He is also a keen gardener which is just as well as he has a large garden to maintain.
Tingdene wishes Keith and Danuta all the very best in their retirement, and thanks Keith for his total support and loyalty over the past 42 years.