Park home charter Editor Alex Melvin outlines the magazine’s philosophy and key commitments and takes you through what to look forward to in your new look magazine

Yorkshire parks special Grosvenor Country Park The first of our in-depth profiles of some of the best park home estates in England’s biggest county, Yorkshire

Abbots Green Holiday Park Bella Brodie takes a close look at this York House Leisure holiday development

Rolling Back the Years Phil Tolhurst looks back through time at Berkeleyparks, the UK’s biggest site operator

Prestige Classical Anne Webb steps inside a traditional offering from one of the nation’s favourite manufacturers

FREE £12 Magnolias! Claim your free Magnolias worth £12 (just pay £4.90 postage)

JW Engineering Steve Rowe explains how one company makes previously ‘illegal’ park home extensions legal

Product News A selection of bargain kit for your park home, garage and garden

Park People Bella Brodie meets another fascinating park home character

News Updates Four pages of news and developments from the park home community

Legal Tips This month we tackle the sometimes delicate subject of plot fee increases and explain how you can be sure of your rights
