Welcome – Editor Alex Melvin looks forward to the World of Park & Leisure Homes Show
Chris’s Column – Pant Mawr park resident Chris Wildgoose explains why Harlech Castle attracts so many visitors to the Welsh town
Buying a park home –  The buying process explained

june contentsBroadwell Woods Park, Warwickshire – Steve Rowe brings us an exclusive first look at a brand new residential park development, which boasts a lovely rural location, yet is close to transport links and amenities

Upton Park, Cambridgeshire – Kris Griffiths visits a park near a small English market town made famous by Oliver Cromwell

Iford Bridge Park, Pembrokeshire – Philip Pond visits a site near the golden sands of Bournemouth on the south coast

Park People: Bungalow Park, Hampshire – Getting together for a group survey of the underside of their park homes, residents at Bungalow Park, in Wiltshire, call in the Park Home Chassis Services (PHCS) team

june contentsPathfinder Summit – The whole industry’s currently abuzz with excitement about award-winning home manufacturer Pathfinder’s latest creation, the aptly named Summit. Philip Pond finds out what all the fuss is about
Wessex Canford – Quirky and stylish, modern and characterful, the Wessex Canford is a home with real personality!


Refurb, lifestyle and offers
Tailor-made for your needs and budget – Andrew Jenkinson visits Bespoke Outbuildings and Garages
Get involved! –
Our top ten retirement tips, sponsored by Barton Park Homes
Free 200 summer flowering bulbs –
Get your free selection, worth £33
Don’t miss out! –
Still not applied for the Nuvex free exterior makeover? Get your application in now!

News, views and products
News – Two pages of news and updates from around the park home community
Your home essentials –
We find out what new products are available for park home and holiday home owners
Letters –
All the latest views and opinions from the people that matter most… you!
Money Matters –
Steve Rowe has more top cash saving tips
Six of the best – There are some park home-related legal questions that keep cropping up. We asked LEASE to help unravel six of the most common

Buying a holiday home – The buying process explained
Holiday news
– Developments from the holiday home world
Golden Cross Park, East Sussex –
Philip Pond travels in East Sussex to run the rule over a new park with lodges for sale
Say hello to Fellstead and Harlland –
We get the lowdown on a major rebranding at one of the UK’s biggest park operators
Lazy Otter Meadows, Cambridgeshire –
Philip Pond visits a park near Ely that boasts both residential park homes and leisure lodges
Coquet View, Northumberland –
Steve Rowe visits a tranquil holiday park on the Northumberland coast
Lynne’s Life –
Lodge owner Lynne Pedley’s monthly column

