november blogWinter can be a worrisome time of year for old and vulnerable members of society, including many park home residents.

There’s the seemingly intractable problem of rising fuel bills – many struggle to make ends meet even without having hefty gas and electricity charges to factor in. Then there’s the issue of mobility, especially for those on rural or semi-rural parks who need to get about safely in icy or snowy conditions.

Living on a community like a park home estate can often help to overcome such difficulties. Where else could you find neighbours on hand to offer lifts to the supermarket or the GPs in inclement conditions? Or fellow park residents ready with a hot meal or a cuppa and a chat in a warm living room to banish the winter blues?

Despite these benefits, any park resident would be remiss not to try to make savings on bills by getting better home insulation or seeking the services of a speciailist refurbisher to upgrade the quality of their park home.

But it’s not just homecare and insulation specialists you will find in our energy savings directory (see page 51). You will find a wide range of experts in a wide range of park home matters, all with their own take on how to protect yourself against the coldest months.

Aside from our energy saving special, we’ve got lots more for your delectation in our bumper November issue.

We visit sublime residential park home sites in Lincolnshire, Dorset and East Sussex. This trio of top parks really does have something for everybody (see page 10).

On the holiday side, we also review some lovely sites – in Herefordshire and Powys (see page 102).

Finally, for those who missed them, we’ve got reviews of three important park and holiday home shows starting on page 112.

november coverAlexAlex Melvin




Alex Melvin, Editor

 November 2015 – buy it here
