Community Warmth
Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, Devon, EX6 6HD
E: info@communitywarmth.org
W: www.communitywarmth.org
T: 01647 24609
Community Warmth, established in 2015 are a not-for-profit Community Interest Company that aims to keep park home communities warm and safe. We give support and assistance to homeowners, Resident Associations and local Councils, providing information and advice regarding energy saving solutions, bill reduction, general building and maintenance work as well as disability adaptations and retrofit work.
In addition, we are the organisers of The Park Home Residents Club and supply support and assistance to new and existing residents’ associations free of charge.
We assist with free newsletter production, event organising, membership, explaining paperwork and provide templates for associations of all sizes.
We also provide support for Associations to work with councils or join with other associations to share ideas or meet socially.
The Guild of Park Home Services
T: 0800 612 0883
E: enquiries@parkhomeguild.co.uk
W: www.parkhomeguild.co.uk
Independent Park Home Advisory Service
T: 0800 612 8938 (Freephone)
E: info@iphas.co.uk
W: www.iphas.co.uk
Thinking of buying a park home and want to have expert advice? You could do no better than get in touch with IPHAS (The Independent Park Home Advisory Service). A voluntary organisation which was established over 18 years ago, IPHAS prides itself on offering expert and unbiased advice on all aspects of park home living, especially the legislation pertaining to this unique form of housing.
In addition to advising and helping residents countrywide, IPHAS also represents the views of those residents to Government.
IPHAS team members are themselves park home residents with an in-depth knowledge of park home law. All have had many years of experience in offering advice to residents and, where necessary, dealing with troublesome or unscrupulous park owners.
Advice is free to IPHAS members; membership costs a modest £5 per year per home. Membership applications can be made via the website, by email or by post.
IPHAS is currently advising members on the new legislation that was introduced in 2013 about selling homes, pitch fees and park rules. IPHAS can also advise members on using the First-tier Tribunal Property Chamber (formerly the RPTS) for resolving disputes with their park owners. The system is much cheaper and less stressful than the county court and is currently dealing with large numbers of park home cases. IPHAS has produced a number of publications about park home living in general, the law and Acts of Parliament and these are available either through the website or by post.
IPHAS team members also serve, along with those from other national residents’ associations, on various Government working parties and committees where their views are keenly sought and thoroughly respected.
Council officers, Citizens’ Advice Bureau and other organizations as well as park owners, also apply to IPHAS for impartial and unbiased advice and assistance.
Fleetbank House, 2-6 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8JX
T: 020 7832 2525
The Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) is a Non Departmental Public Body (NDPB) funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to provide free advice on the law relating to Park Homes in England and Wales.
We can advise on a range of issues via telephone, letter or email. We can also arrange specialist seminars and meetings near you, where a group of park homes owners or interested parties want to discuss a joint issue. We also publish a range of free advice notes available here http://parkhomes.lease-advice.org/advice-guides/
The telephone advice line is open from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday. Call us on 020 7832 2525. Alternatively write to us at the above address or email us at parkhomes@lease-advice.org
Park Home Forum
Web: www.parkhomeforum.co.uk
Email: pauline@parkhomeliving.co.uk
Buying a park home more often than not produces a variety of questions. Our Park Home Forum is very popular and visited by
between 600 and 1,100 visitors daily.
We tend to leave the answering to those regular members who are already park home owners and happy to give the benefit of their experience.
However, we do pop in a couple of times a day, just to check that the answers are correct—particularly where legislation is concerned!