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Community Warmth
Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, Devon, EX6 6HD
T: 01647 24609
E: info@communitywarmth.org
W: www.communitywarmth.org

Community Warmth, established in 2015 are a not-for-profit Community Interest Company that aims to keep communities warm and safe. We give support and assistance to homeowners, Resident Associations and local Councils, providing information and advice regarding energy saving solutions, bill reduction, general building and maintenance work as well as disability adaptations and retrofit work.

Our assurance of quality, integrity and care is our QICA auditing programme that has these principles built in. We want homeowners and tenants alike to save energy efficiency measures or general building/maintenance works installed on their homes with the knowledge that the works will be carried out by reputable installers and for home owners not to have to worry that the contractor will do a first-class job.

When you contact Community Warmth you can speak with a qualified Domestic Energy Advisor who will assess and advise on any areas that could reduce your bills (this doesn’t always mean you have to spend money – there are many free options), provide you with information on how to access any available grant funding and find you an accredited installer.







Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, Devon, EX6 6HD

T: 01647 24609
E: info@communitywarmth.org
W: www.qica.co.uk

QICA is the Quality badge awarded to companies, organisations, products and services that meet an extremely strict criteria of quality, integrity and care to their customers. In the case of park home tradespeople and installers a specific Park Home Icon will be displayed against their company name as we understand how specialist the construction and work is that is conducted on park homes.

The QICA scheme is managed by Community Warmth for Energy and Construction services.

Look for the QICA logo to know that the organisation has been vetted and that any work you put through a QICA contractor via Community Warmth will be monitored for quality completely free of charge for you.