Also on display was the beautiful 50ft x 20 Canford park home (pictured). Visitors liked the off-set entrance and lobby, the practical study, the beautiful feature lighting and the striking lounge with its brick effect chimney, cosy stove and checked fabrics.
The home has been sold to Avon Estates and will be situated at Broadwell Woods Park, in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. For more information please call 01789 299 492 or visit
A year under new ownership, with fresh new branding and a number of new and exciting models to its name, Wessex has re-established itself as a key player in the market. It has been a fantastic year for Wessex and we look forward to seeing what’s round the corner from this distinctive and quality manufacturer in 2015.
For more information call theWessex team on 0845 257 0400, email or visit