
  • Right of access to your pitch

    Right of access to your pitch

    14th September 2016

    Does a park site owner have the right to enter your plot at any time? When and why can access be granted or denied and what’s the correct procedure for doing this? The Leasehold Advisory Service’s (LEASE) Antony Tregenna puts…

  • Termination of a Written Agreement

    Termination of a Written Agreement

    16th August 2016

    The Leasehold Advisory Service’s Antony Tregenna examines the procedures a park owner must follow to terminate a home owner’s Written Agreement and remove them from the park It is important for both site owners and home owners to be aware…

  • Frequently Asked Questions on park home matters

    Frequently Asked Questions on park home matters

    13th July 2016

    The Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) answers questions on a variety of topics by telephone, email or letter for park home owners, site owners and other parties with an interest in park home legislation. LEASE’s Antony Tregenna and Manjit Rai work…

  • Protection against harassment under the Mobile Homes Act

    Protection against harassment under the Mobile Homes Act

    18th May 2016

    We explore the delicate issue of park home residents experiencing harassment on their site. The Leasehold Advisory Service’s specialist park home legal advisors Manjit Rai and Antony Tregenna explain more The term ‘harassment’ is often bandied about but what’s the…