What is different about buying and selling a park home?

It is important to remember that whenever someone sells their park home on a residential park there are actually two transactions which happen at the same time – the sale of the park home itself, and the transfer (‘assignment’) of the seller’s Mobile Homes Act occupation agreement to the buyer.

I bought my park before 26 May 2013, and now want to sell it. Is there a procedure that I must follow?

Yes. As your agreement commenced before 26 May 2013, and if it has not been assigned or transferred since 26 May 2013, it is defined as an ‘Existing Agreement’ and the following procedure must be used:

Let us know what you think about the issues raised here at. Email us: phhc.ed@kelsey.co.uk

If you have any questions in relation to this article please do not hesitate to contact the Park Homes Advice team at LEASE on 020 7832 2525, email: parkhomes@lease-advice.org. Alternatively, try John Clement at Turbervilles Solicitors on 01895 201700

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To read more about this issue read the December 2014 issue of Park Homes and Holiday Caravan

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