Tracey says that The Elms, which has more than 300 park homes set in over 60 acres of countryside, has long taken a special pride in helping to protect the natural heritage.
The park has been praised in recent times by botanist David Bellamy for its many environmental achievements, and presented with his prestigious conservation award.
Wildlife initiatives have included the planting of high nectar producing shrubs which attract a wide range of butterfly species, and which are irrigated by harvested rainwater.
The park also carefully maintains its three lakes which act as a magnet for many different types of birds and aquatic life, from ducks to dragonflies.
Owls and other bird species are additionally encouraged by the siting of nesting boxes in the grounds, and The Elms has also created wildflower areas where many different varieties flourish.
Many park residents have also helped make The Elms a natural paradise by sustaining wildlife areas in their gardens which provide shelter, habitats and feeding resources for birds and animals.
The Elms has also created a woodland walk which takes residents on a fully interpreted nature tour and is designed for easy accessibility.
‘We all had a fascinating day in the company of Alison Walling, and learnt a lot about the long history of the willow in Lincolnshire,’ said Tracey Coulson.
‘The arbour is a magnificent structure in which many people played a part under Alison’s guidance, and we’re really looking forward to seeing it green up next spring!’ she added.
The park was established just over 30 years ago by former farmer John Kinch who still plays an active part in its day-to-day management.
John’s enthusiasm for the natural environment has also been taken up by his children – Stuart, Tracey, Ann and Johnny – who now help to run the business.